Rosedale Presbyterian Church (416) 921-1931

Rosedale Presbyterian Church 129 Mount Pleasant Road
(at South Drive) Toronto


Rosedale Presbyterian Church

It was at Caesarea Philippi, when Jesus was alone with the twelve disciples, that he began to talk about his own death, I must go to Jerusalem and I will suffer a great deal at the hands of the religious authorities, and I will be killed ... and then on the third day I will be raised. The disciple Peter believed this kind of talk was crazy, God forbid Lord ... this must never happen! Simon Peter felt that he should interfere. What good is a dead Messiah! However, Jesus knew this was his path not easy, but necessary to fulfil the mission and ministry which God had given to him. The life of Jesus reminds us, even today, of his words, the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life.

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He Had to Go